
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sunday Night Sewing

Easter is quickly approaching, and I like to send my nieces a little something for holidays. These little somethings often end up as an excuse to set up the card table and get creative. I've been on a sewing kick lately (I'll post my quilt-in-progress sometime soon!) so I figured I'd keep on.

Samara recently had an art fair at school, and her picture next to her (awesome, in my opinion) wintery penguin picture got in the local newspaper! I think the perfect way to say 'keep up the good work' will be to send her something art-y for Easter. 

One of my favorite art supplies that I have is this lime green leather pencil roll full of colored pencils. I took it around Paris and Amsterdam with me which means I have a lot of cute impromptu sketches to remember those cities by. I made Mom something similar a few years ago to hold crochet hooks, so why not another to hold colored pencils for our budding artist? 

A few hours later, and voila! The "Rainbow Roll Up". I've been motivated to use up my scrap fabrics so I just improvised a pattern based on the sizes of larger pieces I had, basic construction techniques from a pattern in a book, and the pencil roll up in my art cabinet. I really love how the fabrics inside look like something that could have been drawn with colored pencils. 

And it rolls up into a colorful little package to take along on car rides, whip out at the kitchen table, or wherever her drawing bug might inspire her! 

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