
Monday, April 23, 2012

Curtain Inspiration

When I saw this stack of fabric on one of my favorite blogs (Maureen Cracknell Handmade) a couple weeks back, I immediately coveted them. The bright blues and greens, not to mention the awesome flower print, are just my taste.

So I bought some! I'm very excited now that they have arrived. Inspired by the idea of curtains mentioned on Maureen's blog, I too plan on making curtains with them. I just want an excuse to hang up (and stare at) large pieces of these fabrics. They will hang in our bedroom; I do believe they will fit right in with our quirky sense of style and love of color. 

In my ever so accurate back-of-the-envelope/engineer way when I decided to buy the yardage, I went into the bedroom and stood next to the window thinking to myself "well, I'm just shy of two yards tall, so I guess I need two yards of each". I have not decided on a design yet, but I am thinking of bands of linen (what a shock) and patchwork squares of matching solids along the top. I was at the library the other day looking for another book (for another project soon to come) and happened upon a book about making curtains. I've made curtains before, but this book has given me some good ideas. Ribbon tie top anyone? 

I leave with a gratuitous close up of the beautiful pattern, LouLouThi Coreopsis - my very first Anna Maria Horner purchase. Thank you for the inspiration, Maureen!

1 comment:

  1. Mine are still folded neatly, just where I can see them! I really need to get those curtains done, but now I might as well wait... We just put an offer in on a house and it would be silly for me to start making curtains now! :)


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