
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quilting marathon

There are two parts to this post: a lamentation and a celebration. First off, lament. I was excited to try out the 'hand quilting like' stitch setting on my machine to see if I could use it on the Flora Fence quilt. It actually ends up looking kind of nifty on my test run.

Then I turned it over to look at the back.

Bummer! The way this works is that the thread in the bobbin is the color you want and the thread in the needle is "invisible" (in this case, white). Through some sewing machine magic, the bobbin thread is pulled to the top to create the little running stitches, but in the parts between, the needle thread is carried on top and the bobbin thread is carried on the bottom as normal. This of course makes sense when I think about it. I think this will be really fun to use on projects that will have the backs not visible, but obviously this is a no-go for my quilt. Sad. So, regular machine quilting it is. 

Now the celebration. It's quilted! I strong-armed (and shouldered!) my way through my Saturday night and managed to get all of the quilting done in one sitting.

I used four different colors of thread to match whichever color I was quilting next to. I kept it simple and just stitched in the linen zig zags about the width of my walking foot away from the seam (oh how I love the walking foot). 

I used the longest stitch setting on the machine, so at least the intention of a long running stitch is there. What I was most surprised about is how quick and relatively easy this went. I have a regular throat on my machine, so I was a little bit worried about getting a larger sized quilt through especially with so many 90 degree turns along the way. No problem! By rolling the corners in to focus on a single linen stripe and draping most of the quilt over my shoulder (or behind the machine on the trusty card table) I had no problem maneuvering. My shoulder did get tired after a bit due to the weight of the quilt, but thankfully the card table didn't complain one bit. 

All trimmed, folded, and ready for binding! How exciting. 

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