
Friday, May 11, 2012

Caribbean Blue, the journey begins

I have started a new quilt. This recent splurge of small projects has given me the time to store up the motivation to work on another large project. I'm sorry to admit that I gave up on the Retro Flower quilt (which was next in my queue) before it even got started; I just wasn't feeling enthusiastic about the fabrics I had, and working on a large curvy project like that would have been no fun without full enthusiasm. Another time!

But back to what I *am* doing...

I definitely feel enthusiastic about these fabrics! Amy Butler's Soul Blossom line has everything I love: vibrant color, funky prints, and a great set of fabrics with greens, blues, and aquas. And as a bonus, it connects me a little bit to my roots. The voile is so lovely to handle. I will admit the other day I purchased more of the peacock fabric in green/yellow to make myself something wearable in the future. (Modern Fabric Studio has these in stock)

I am calling this project Carribbean Blue because the Enya song kept running through my head last night as I cut these fabrics. I think it is appropriate, this combination of fabrics is a bit like sitting on the beach next to the Carribbean - fresh and breezy. And the colors are so beautiful and relaxing! Just like that song.

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