
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

You've Got Mail!

Because of the horse show this last weekend I didn't have any daylight time in the craft space to take pictures of my most recent goodies. But I'm so excited to share them, so please bear with the less than ideal lighting.

A couple weeks ago, Maureen Cracknell was nice enough to write about my work on her blog. (I had sent her a needlebook I made after I saw her lovely Summerlove Bird Pillow.) This tickled me because I love her work and her blog! To top it all off I received a fun package in the mail shortly after. I was so excited when this pillow cover slipped out of the package.

How great is that? Not only does it match our main space colors perfectly (yay for yellow and purple!) but it is the very pillow cover I have been wanting to make for myself using Maureen's tutorial for such a long time! Happening upon that tutorial last August inspired me to get back to sewing again and introduced me (through hours of clicking links on her blog) to the world of modern quilting, so this was an especially special treat! I bought a pillow form and it is now in a place of honor on "my" chair in the corner. Highly visible from everywhere. :) Thank you so much again, Maureen!

The second wonderful thing to come in this package was felt - a whole stack! She was so thoughtful and even cut the pieces to be the dimensions of the needle book I sent her. Needless to say I will be having fun making more. This felt is really nice quality and comes in a variety of beautiful colors. It feels just like the felt I found at the shops in Amsterdam - denser than most of the precuts available at my average crafty store here in Palo Alto. Maureen is planning on selling it in the fall. Look at the pretty rainbow (new picture updated)!

Also, today I was happy to receive my student kit for the Handstitched Class I enrolled in over at Stitched in Color. Rachel is another person whose blog I frequent and continually find inspiration at. I'm excited to have the opportunity to learn from her and benefit from her creativity and obvious love for teaching and spreading her knowledge. I'm currently trying to clear my plate of large, ambitious projects so I'll have the time to enjoy soaking up the handstitching coming my way.

Thank you Mr. Postman for bringing me such wonderful things in the mailbox over the past weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, it looks perfect in your room, I'm so so happy!! I hope you enjoy it and your felt -- I can't wait to see what you make!!

    Thank you, Alia!!


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