
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Hustle buns

This is what my brother's little league coach would say to the team as they came in from the field. I don't know why it has stuck with me, but it is perfect to describe the end of year crunch that inevitably precedes the holidays. Today there are 100 days left in the year. I know, right? Where did the time go. There is this great link up/support group (ha) over at Kelsey Sews that I think will be fun! It's called the 100 Day Hustle and will be a great way to stay motivated to finish up projects by the end of the year.

Kelsey Sews

I've been lucky enough to have cleared a lot of wips off my plate recently, so most of my list is going to be new projects that I want to get done or in some cases just started.

Hand stitching:

Modern Medallion quilt - hand quilting
Embroidery hoop kit - start

Yarn work:

Portland cowl - finish
Aidez sweater - knit enough to know if I want to keep going
scrap yarn blanket for donation to animal shelter - start
Temair throw - finish already! (sew motifs together)

At the machine:

Covered bead necklace for me - start & finish
Stuffed animal for baby girl - start & finish
Garment bag - finish
Riding boot bag - start & finish 
Amsterdam quilt top - start
Baby quilt for Anna - start, finish by February
Flannel pjs for me - start & finish
Voile/flannel scarf - start & finish (Xmas)
Apron - start & finish (Xmas)
Tote for Samara - start & finish (Xmas)
Pencil roll up for Jasmine - start & finish (Xmas)
Laminated cotton tote for barn - start & finish (Xmas)

This is pretty ambitious, but I think I might get through most of it since a lot are smaller projects. Check out the linky, add your list, this'll be great. Here we go! 100 days and counting.


  1. You can do it! You have a good mix, so when you are tired sitting at the machine, you can hand sew/knit on the couch!

  2. Your list seems ambitious, but doable. Glad to see some others with yarn work and not just quilting/sewing on their list! Good luck:)

  3. There's alot here but who doesn't like a challenge? We're all behind you!

  4. Go for it! I'm sure you'll make a big dent in it. Happy hustling.

  5. Such a great variety of projects - love it!! Thank you for joining in :)


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