
Monday, October 8, 2012

Park Fountain II

I gave myself an easy project. Lately I've been feeling an overload of inspiration, potential projects, and the desire to push my skills into new territory. Problem is, my brain is full of work (as it should be!). I think the last straw was when the instructions for the garment bag I want to make were making no sense to me, and it wasn't even all that late at night. So instead I picked the easiest project on my list and went to town.

I really like fabric covered beaded necklaces. I think they were probably a fad from a while ago, but you know what I don't care if they're hot right now. I still like them. In fact, isn't that the best time to see if you really like something or not, after the hype dies down? I made Mom one for Mother's Day and really thought it turned out looking neat, so I copied myself. We can be twins! Yep, used the same fabric, same ribbon and everything. I think my beads might be a little bigger; I could only fit 9 in my fabric tube instead of 10. Green is one of my favorite colors, and also the color I have the least of in my jewelry. Funny how that works, isn't it? I think that's even true of my scarves and shawls. So here's one contribution to a little more green in my life.

It's more substantial than the knotted fabric necklace I made recently - the weight of the beads makes it hang nicely. I might try making a multi-stranded version next. I don't think they'll be all that 'professional' when it comes time for conferences and interviews (oh how I wish) but for a fun weekend or a bit of interest during the week, not bad at all.

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