
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fresh Sewing Day December

Last month my goals were to get started on a baby quilt, work on some Christmas gifts on my list, and baste the Medallion quilt. One out of three isn't bad. I did get some work done on Christmas gifts for folks, but just nothing to take pictures of and call a finish for a mosaic. Gasp!

Honestly I'm not all that surprised considering how busy November was for us. We did manage to celebrate my birthday with the best surprise party ever -- friends popped out from behind the furniture and then we all went to see Skyfall on opening night (!!!), celebrate Thanksgiving with friends in The City, submit all of our faculty applications, and spend a week at a conference together in Boston (traveling for work is so much nicer with your spouse... we're lucky we are both in the same discipline). 

With all that activity, I was pretty much burned out by the end of the days. I ended up starting a bunch of kniting projects, instead. :o) Totally not on the 'must do before the holidays' list but isn't that just how it goes. 

Look! We're wearing hand-knits in Boston :)

So this month there will be gift finishes (and honestly, probably some more yarny non-gift-related finishes too) and a nice hiatus for the holidays. The goals are: necklaces need ribbon ties, Jasmine needs an artist roll up, and I'd like to finish my mittens. Avanti!

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