
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Holidays in progress

The holidays are fast approaching, and just like last year my workspace is a beautiful mess. 

I started these beaded necklaces last month because they are so quick to put together. This bunch is destined to be gifts for family and friends. I think the matching gift bags will be a fun touch! 

I'm sort of improvising them based on Jeni Baker's drawstring bag tutorial. The improvisation comes in at the sizing, not in any of the construction details. 

I used up the last of my wooden beads, both large and small, but just look at these beauties just waiting to be finished! 

Linking up to Freshly Pieced for Work in progress Wednesday. Check out what everyone else is up to for the holidays.


  1. These are beautiful! And I love the bags they come in. What a nice gift! :)

  2. love the necklasses! the matching bags is a wonderful idea!


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