
Friday, December 14, 2012

Hop along now

I am a gift-making ninja. That's the only way to describe the evening I had on Sunday when I focused my proverbial eye of Sauron on the list of things I still needed to get done. (We have been re-watching the LotR extended edition DVDs, I get some concessions). Top of the list? Jasmine's art pencil roll-up.

My very first post on this blog was about a project I made for my oldest niece to house some colored pencils in a fashion very similar to one of my favorite art supplies. I was told a few months ago that her younger sister 'really likes the pencil roll' and she had put in a special request for one. Well how can you say no to that? Auntie Alia aims to please. 

I'd been putting this off because I could not find my notes from the last time I did it, but Sunday afternoon I finally found the page I had written on, and away I went. I'm trying to get better at using my stash and larger scraps of fabrics, even though it's always satisfying when you can use small scraps to get the job done. I actually started from the blue dot fabric and figured it went pretty well with the adorable frog seersucker print. That print is from a covered photo album I made for my oldest niece's very first birthday; how nice to remember that bit of history. Combine those two with some pezz and the ever-present green swirl Ikea fabric and I think this lily pad's starting to get somewhere! 

For some reason I fit less pencils in this version, by maybe 6 or so. I had in my notes that I spaced the lines one inch apart, but maybe those were scant inches whereas this time they might have been a bit larger than an inch. I guess this way she'll be able to fit some fat markers in it when the pencils run out? Still, I think it turned out very cute.

An important finish to fill an important special request!

Linking up with my favorite Friday reading, crazy mom quilts Finish It Up Friday


  1. Jasmine will be a happy girl!! It's lovely

  2. Lucky girl, your niece! Please send some of your ninja skills over here, too much to do, not enough time!

  3. It looks really intricate and very cool colours! Well done!


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