
Monday, December 31, 2012

Hustling Wrap Up

Happy New Year (almost) everyone! I've taken a break from blogging while we are traveling for the holidays, but I did want to get this post in. Thanks to Kelsey for hosting the Hustle, it was great fun to challenge myself and get organized. In fact, some of the gifts I made for the holidays definitely would not have been made if not for this little exercise.

I will post full posts about my latest finishes (both on and off this list) in January, but for now here's how I did with my list (not bad!):

Kelsey Sews

Hand stitching:

Modern Medallion quilt - hand quilting, start -  purchased batting, basted, begun!

Yarn work:

Portland cowl - finish

Aidez sweater - knit enough to know if I want to keep going - yes! it looks like this yarn will work, no plans to finish the whole thing before the end of the year though

scrap yarn blanket for donation to animal shelter - start - will continue adding to this here and there over the next months

At the machine:

Covered bead necklace for me - start & finish

Stuffed animal for baby girl - start & finish

Riding boot bag - start & finish 

Amsterdam quilt top - start

Voile/flannel scarf - start & finish (Xmas)

Tote for Samara - start & finish (Xmas)

Garment bag - finish - purchased zipper and grommet, cut pieces out, got too confused to finish
Baby quilt for Anna - start, finish by February - purchased fabric, know what pattern it will be, will start cutting in the new year
Flannel pjs for me - start & finish

(there's a tank top, too but it hasn't been photographed)

Pencil roll up for Jasmine - start & finish (Xmas)

Fabric necklaces & gift bags (at least 5) - start & finish (Xmas)

For next year: 
Temair throw - finish already! (sew motifs together), Laminated cotton tote for barn, Apron, Embroidery kit - start


  1. Congratulations on your completed projects!!!

  2. Great projects!! Those necklaces are so cute! Thank you for joining in!

  3. You made good work of your list! All of that handquilting looks amazing, and every time I see your necklaces, I want to make me one! :)


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