
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Knitting Lesson

Well this is a special wip post... My niece started knitting a scarf!

I gifted her a book called Annie and the Swiss Cheese Scarf this year, written by Alana at Never Not Knitting. In it a six year old girl begins to learn how to knit. It's a really cute story, and beautifully illustrated. More importantly, it was a really great way to introduce knitting to my six year old niece. I think having Annie the same age as her made the activity something approachable rather than intimidating.

And boy did she pick it up fast! I cast on and started a couple of rows, to save on that frustration we all experience in the beginning, but after a few step by step demonstrations and using the little rhyme in the back of the book she quickly got all the steps down to make her first knit stitch. See the look of amazement on her face? It was adorable. I held the yarn to adjust tension for the first few stitches and there were some finer points to learn and continue practicing (like don't let the stitches slip off the needles), but she's pretty much got it. I'm so impressed.

We got a couple rows done the first night, and the next morning as I packed my bags she sat down in my room and said, "Hey look Auntie Alia, I can still knit!" while slowly working her way through another row. Priceless.

I highly recommend using bamboo needles and chunky yarn. We used Lion Brand Hometown USA. The friction on the needles helps (we tried pink metal ones first) and the big yarn makes stitches easy to see, not to mention grows the scarf faster.

She has a few inches done, but is already planning her next projects: scarves for everyone! Isn't that just like us all, though? On to the next thing before we finish the first.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday on behalf of my niece!


  1. Your niece is adorable! I am so glad that she has enjoyed the book! :)

    Happy Knitting!


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