
Friday, January 11, 2013

Pajama Party

I do believe that this is the last post on projects I finished before the New Year, and this was my biggest challenge to myself on my 100 Day Hustle List. I'm sitting here with a smug little smile and patting myself on the back that I did it.

Over the past year I've made quite a few pint-sized articles of clothing for my two nieces: pajama bottoms, sweaters, skirts. I think the small size and freedom to use wild and fun fabrics and colors is part of the reason, but truth be told in the past I've tried making things for myself and they haven't ever turned out. The smaller garments have been great practice and I mustered up the motivation to finally use the flannel and pattern my mom gave me a while ago to make myself some PJs. Still wild fabric, just a bigger size. I love the colors in this flannel, and the tile pattern is something I've always been drawn to.

Pajamas are a pretty forgiving project. They are loose, simply constructed, and low pressure because pretty much no one is ever going to see them outside of my cat and husband. So if I mess up a little bit there won't be much judgement or impact to the overall garment.

I used Butterick pattern 6837, which is a unisex pattern that includes robes, long sleeved tops, tanks, shorts, and pants. The construction was simple and the instructions clear. My one gripe is that the pants are waaaaay baggy. It's fine, they don't look bad or anything but I think if there was less fabric used there then I would have had plenty left to do a button-down long sleeved shirt to go with. Instead I ended up making a tank top and having a pretty good amount left over. I do like this fabric a lot so it will be great for more projects, but still. 

In making the top I wised up and checked the fit as I went along. Not that there is much to making a tank top, but the armholes and bust are always an issue for me in terms of placement and ease. Despite measuring myself and using those guidelines for the sizing, I still had to let out the side seams a quarter inch or so to make it a comfortable fit under my arms. I was also pretty proud of myself that I could add in a simple pleat at the neckline to make it sit better on my shoulders. I hid the junction with a cute little button from Britex. 

All in all I'm really pleased with the results. I think garment sewing will get easier and easier as I do more of it, and the more familiar I get with this type of sewing special details and improvisations will start popping up. 

I'm linking up to Finish it Up Friday at crazy mom quilts with this one!

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from Finish It Up Friday -- these are adorable! I'm just venturing into the world of garment sewing myself!


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