
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pinwheel Progress

This week I started a baby quilt I've been planning for a while. Anna and I traded pictures and ideas back in the fall and came up with this Pinwheels in the Park quilt to make for her little one due in February. I need to get cracking! This has to be finished in time to ship to Switzerland in February!

This is the first block I made, to test out the piecing. It goes together quickly, and just look at the size of that block! This top will be done in no time. So far I'm really enjoying the fabrics I picked out. I really think the pinwheels pop using the same fabrics in all four blades. I'm also pressing my seams so the lighter portion recedes and the darker center sections are raised. There are 11 more blocks to do in muted reds, yellows, and blues. The background is a pretty light green, and I've got some awesome gray flannel for the backing.

While cutting and sewing I've also been slowly introducing our new cat to Jack. We got him Friday and I'd say he is adjusting well! Now I will have TWO sewing buddies.

Linking to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

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