
Sunday, March 24, 2013


Through the magic of pre-scheduling posts, there hasn't been much of a break here lately, but behind the scenes I've been out of town on interviews. Since I got back Tuesday night, I've been itching to do something crafty. The thing is, I'm still pretty tuckered and out of whack from the travel to and from the East Coast, so I haven't done anything because I'm pretty sure I'd make silly mistakes. Thursday night I got brave.

I joined a couple online quilting bees that start in April. One is "Get Your Hex On" that is all about enthusiasm for hexagons in blocks and the second is "Bee Sew Modern" where anything is fair game. I've had a great time with the do.Good Stitches circle I'm in and that definitely encouraged me to seek out more bees. I am looking forward to dreaming up a couple of designs of my own as well as getting to know some new people.

Our queen bee for the hexagon bee was ahead of the curve and I received my packet of fabric and templates in the mail a week ago. Irene did such a great job with her instructions and marking up the templates for the design she chose that I decided it would be no problem to sit and baste the pieces tonight. Well, two hours later I found myself completely done with the whole block! It felt good to zone out with some music on and just stitch. I needed that!

This pretty flower is going to be part of a flower ball just like this quilt here. It is quite a unique look! Kind of like someone took a quilt and wrapped it around a sphere then took a picture. It certainly made piecing this section really interesting since the hexagons were all differently stretched.

I'm glad to have had this little project to get me going again -- I've been having fun this weekend getting lots more sewing done!

1 comment:

  1. I thought at first the pieces looked skewed because the picture was taken from an angle... What a clever pattern, I can't wait to see your version!


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