
Friday, April 5, 2013

Good day, sunshine

I came, I saw, I QAYGed. 

These two log cabin blocks are the fruits of my quilty labors yesterday afternoon. Turns out stitching is a nice way to take a break from writing one's thesis.......

Bee blocks for do.Good stitches this month were quilt-as-you-go log cabins in a sunshine-y yellow/gold and brown color scheme. This was a bit of a challenge for me to put together because I don't have a wide variety of yellows. Greens, yes. Yellows, not so much. One big issue was that grays were specifically singled out as a no-no. Guess what most of my yellow fabrics have in them? Oh yes, gray. 

I did manage to find a few different yellows sans gray and that lovely goldenrod print with numbers on it in my scrap jar. I combined those with some strips of linen and a sprinkling of solid brown. The yellows all kind of read the same from far away, but in person there's a difference, I promise. 

I found a couple pieces of batting that were pretty much the perfect size, and I cut the log strips to size at 2.5" by 2.5, 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 10.5, 12.5, and 14.5" before I started which made it super fast when I sat down to sew. Well, as fast as this goes anyway. All those lines take quite a bit of time! I quilted them about as far apart as the width from my needle to the edge of my walking foot to make things easy on myself in keeping the lines straight, maybe 3/8". 

I do so love the texture of the quilting on the front, but it's always super satisfying to look at the back, too! Looks a bit like farmland does from an airplane. If the farmland were made out of clouds. Obviously I've spent too much time recently in the clouds looking out of airplane windows. 

I laid these out before sewing to try mixing up the prints, but now looking at these there is one switch I wish I'd done in the top one. Ah well. I still think they look pretty neat. And look! I had enough fabric, after all. 

Linking up to Finish it up Friday with this scrappy finish. Check out the wall hanging Amanda Jean finished, it's so pretty and so true! 


  1. I think they're lovely, Alia and your quilting is perfect :)

  2. Very interesting!

  3. These are so simple, but so perfect - lovely stitching.


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