
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Covered in bees

To be honest, July and (half of) August flew by this year with nary a glance back to say hello. My summer projects have been exclusively making blocks for the quilting bees I joined. Bees, bees, bees!

In April I was totally on top of things (despite traveling for interviews) and thought "yes it will be great to join a couple more bees!"  I've really enjoyed being a part of the new groups and working on everyone's creative ideas, but boy I didn't expect to have so little time to sew this summer. Wrapping up the PhD took more of my time than I expected. (Duh. Did I really expect to coast through writing my thesis?) It's been a challenge to keep up, which is very unlike me. I'm all caught up now, but apologies to those who have gotten blocks a little later than expected.

That said, I've worked on some lovely blocks this summer that I haven't shared yet! This will be a summary post of the most recent ones I've sent winging their way to sewing rooms around the globe.

I love the pink and teal fabric in this one and the unusual combination with the purple. It's a slice of a larger design with a garden of pinwheel flowers like this one, and I'll bet it will look stunning when all our pieces are together. 

Hot air balloon! I have a lack of "true blue" in my stash, so I got creative with a strip from a jelly roll I had hanging around and made it work to get the sky blue background on this one. Phew!

The good ol' x and + block. I am still not tired of these, and this one may be my favorite one I've made yet. I'm really liking the combination of colors. That bright pink makes it for me. 

And latest in the bee-finished pile are these 3/4 log cabins in "high volume". Appropriately, these nested bars kind of remind me of the sound bars I remember watching on my dad's old tape deck bouncing up and down as the music changed. 

I've got a few more bee blocks going for August, and I get to plan out projects for my months as queen bee - September in two bees as a matter of coincidence. I've already started working up a color wheel and have picked out the pattern for one group. Now to think of what to do with hexagons.

1 comment:

  1. You've certainly accomplished a lot and lovely blocks at that!


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