
Monday, August 19, 2013

Craft it forward

Some weeks ago, I received a lovely package from Charise of Charise Creates. Hers was one of the first blogs I started following, so it's pretty special to have gotten this lovely potholder from her hands. 

How great is that fabric on the back?

She had a blog post on Crafting it Forward, and I was one of the lucky first five to sign up. Now it's my turn! If you would like something handmade from me, just comment below. I will make and send a little something to the first five commenters. You will receive your gift in the next nine months. In turn, upon receiving your crafty gift, write a blog post showing what you received and then 'craft it forward' in the same way, asking for comments and sending the fruits of your labor along within nine months. 

I think this is a fun way to share our talents with others. I hope you do, too!


  1. Cute potholder. What a nice surprise to receive. I'd love to join the "Craft It Forward" group. Thanks!

  2. That's so cute! And this is so much fun! I love this idea! :)


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