
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mod mosaic making

The second Bee Sew Modern block for this month was a Mod Mosaic block, designed by Elizabeth Hartman. A host of tutorials she has written for this block can be found here. This block is heavy on the improvisation -- scraps are randomly arranged and joined with small strips of 'grout' to form a striking block that showcases different fabrics nicely.

The color prompt was fall colors. I had another fun time making a mess on the floor with my scrap jars. In a personal triumph, this block was made 100% from scraps.

I originally thought 'ooh finally another use for those little odd scraps besides ticker tape' but no. There is one hilarious instance in the middle of a sliver of a scrap that survived the various trimming processes. Barely. If I make a block like this again I'll remember to stick with bigger pieces.  

1 comment:

  1. Now I can see why you were attracted to the broken herringbone quilt block, Alia! This is very similar. You will have fun with it!


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