
Friday, January 3, 2014

Fawkes knitted

While this year was quite light on holiday gift-making, the one thing I did end up making for the holidays was Fawkes.

I started this Wingspan shawl for Mom on a trip to Kentucky in September and have been working on it between other projects since then. I got it to the point where I finished the last rows, but ended up short on yarn to bind off! Tinking back long rows of stitches is not my favorite thing in the world, so it sat for a bit. It managed to make it into the small stash of projects I've brought with me to Sacramento, which means I had no choice but to fix it in the evenings when my fingers were itching for some yarn. I'm surprised at how well I was able to outsmart myself there. 

At any rate it got finished and traveled with me to Chicago for the holidays. I literally blocked it in the wee late hours of Christmas Eve. I steamed it to block, so it dried pretty quickly and was ready to wrap up in time for gifting in the morning.

It turned out looking quite lovely, if I do say so myself. The slow color changes in the Mochi yarn range from light pink and bright fuchsia to brick red and ashy gray. It makes for quite a stunning effect that really could be phoenix feathers. Though Mom looks somewhat pensive in the photo, she was pleased. 

Details on my Ravelry page here, but the brief summary is: 2 skeins of Crystal Palace Mini Mochi in 'Fandango' knit on size 4 needles. The yardage was just enough to squeak by. 

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