
Monday, February 24, 2014

flip a coin

Which of these color combinations do I like the best? It's hard to say! I think for sure the bright pink wins but with which color? Green or teal? Like they say, let's flip a coin. Both colors set off the pink and maroon beautifully. I enjoyed finishing these blocks up on the couch Sunday evening while Dave had some much-deserved video game relaxation and Newton purred on my feet. 

I didn't end up having any trouble with the pieces not being basted to the paper templates. The paper stayed put and behaved rather nicely. I didn't even need to press the hexagons at all before piecing; the fabric took a finger crease quite well. I will remember this next time I do any EPP for myself, because the templates were really easy to just pop out when I took a row out to fold for mailing. I wonder if you leave the basting threads in? 

At any rate, this bee is all wrapped up now, February is the last month, so far as I am aware. It was really fun and cool to realize that I do have time for a little bit of hand sewing at least once a month. Makes the whole idea of working on future hand sewn projects that much more approachable. I'll sign off tonight with a pair of 'lucky pennies': 


  1. Nice blocks. Interesting colour combination!! I like to use the method you're using for basting EPP shapes but I always punch a hole in my templates so I can pop them out with a crochet hook.

  2. Nice finish. Yours look a lot like the ones I finished for our partner also :)

  3. Love the blocks!! You do some nice work :)


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