
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sapphire Diamonds, finished

Finally! It's taken me some time to finish this up, and it turned out looking so nice. In looking for some missing paper pieces in Palo Alto last weekend (which, coincidentally I found tonight tucked away in the Sac studio…) I serendipitously found the zipper I had bought to finish this off.

Armed with my finishing notion, I tried out a zipper installation along the bottom seam of this pillow. This is a new skill to add to the technique I used to finish my last pillow, setting it in the middle of the back. I'm still not great with zipper installs -- somehow I never can maneuver around the head all that well, but practice makes perfect. I fudged one section at the end by hand stitching and it turned out looking just fine.

It got stuffed, zipped, and fluffed and I'm quite pleased! I recycled an old outdoor throw pillow from Restoration Hardware that is probably a little bit smaller than the cover. I usually like really tight fits for pillows in my covers, but I have to admit the little bit of slouch I ended up with is just right.

The studio is filling up with lovely handmades!

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