
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

little birdhouse in your soul

As I write this, They Might Be Giants are playing on repeat in my head (you're welcome.): 

Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch
Who watches over you
Make a little birdhouse in your soul
Not to put too fine a point on it
Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet
Make a little birdhouse in your soul

In looking for something to occupy myself this evening, I ended up tilting out the contents of my little storage ottoman where my craft projects hang out here in the studio. Hankering for some hand stitching, I had to pass on the hexagon blocks for Jasmine's quilt because my basting thread and needles snuck away to Palo Alto. Too bad, because I haven't actually wanted to work on that for a while. Go figure. 

Instead what I found was this little guy hanging out at the bottom of the ottoman. I haven't picked up any cross stitching in quite some time, but I've been finding all sorts of needlepoint and cross stitch that I like popping up around the great wide internet. (Coincidentally, Amanda just recently posted some on Everyday Fray…) This is kind of a cross between the two, as it's cross stitch on flexible plastic canvas. LOVE. It's much faster than traditional aida cloth because there's no question about poking a needle through where it doesn't belong. I had some of the birdhouse started, but got through quite a lot more tonight as I relaxed on the floor with my strawberry smoothie. 

I think I'm actually near the home stretch with this, and should make short work of it over the next week or so. Exciting! A finish on the horizon! It's long overdue here… I'm pretty sure I've had this kit since high school. Yikes. 

1 comment:

  1. How cool. I don't think I've seen that type of canvas before. Looks like a lot of fun to stitch on. I have a few high school stitching projects hanging around somewhere but let's not talk about those. Love the colours in this. They are so rich!


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