
Thursday, October 2, 2014

sotto voce

I really haven't had much of a voice lately. Between the hectic end of session antics at the end of August and waiting all September for bills to be signed (thanks for signing 'em all, Governor Brown!) I have come home from work most nights with no words left. That, however does not mean I haven't been making. I have a nice little pile of knits I've been working on this last month and a half that need ends woven in and blocking to be done.

More on these lovelies and others when the blocking is complete. (At least I admit I have a problem.)

Also, we got a new kitten. His name is Kepler. He has been providing us (and Newton) with endless amusement. He and Newton had an iffy start involving lots of hissing and chasing, but they were fast friends. They are both joys. I can't wait until the end of the month when I get to move back down to Palo Alto and actually live with them all the time not just weekends. 

What I am most excited about today is that I finally got to start my Litchfield shawl! This is a design by Laura Aylor, whose pieces I always seem to pick out of a sea of Ravelry search results, and I've been wanting to make one for quite a long time. It has been in my queue patiently waiting for me to finish project after project that has jumped the line. I was so excited yesterday when I realized I had all my non-sweater projects (well except that crochet unicorn…) finished and could start a new piece with a clear knitterly conscience. 

I sat down immediately that morning before work to get started. I decided to go up a needle size because I couldn't find my size 7, so I swatched just to be sure I'd get gauge and have enough yarn. Then I cast on 401 stitches. On a small circular. Talk about stubborn. I really wanted to get this on the needles!

Fast forward to tonight, and I have since switched to a longer circular needle and made an inch or so of progress. This is my first bottom-up shawl and I'm teaching myself German short rows, so there's all sorts of new stuff going on here. 

This is what my "work area" looks like tonight. It's a beautiful mess. I should really be packing some things up to take down to Palo Alto with me this weekend, but I think I'll just quietly knit instead. 

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