
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

horsey accoutrements

Barns are full of dust. That's a fact any horse person can tell you. A friend of mine, quite some time ago now, said out loud while hanging her helmet "I need a helmet bag, kind of like yours maybe" and just like that I decided to make one. Mine isn't at all fancy, just a black knit bag that came with the helmet when I bought it. 

Making my own was not all that complicated, actually, it really is just a simple drawstring bag. I decided to line this one because I wanted to use a quilting cotton for color and that just seemed too thin to use unlined. I used my helmet bag as a template for a couple of fabrics I thought might suit her. On the inside is a gray polyester that I think will actually 'repel' dust and grime quite nicely. The outside is a great navy and cream print that reminds me of her barn name, Sapphire Farm. The bag is technically reversible, but it is easier to slip a helmet in and out with the gray polyester on the inside.

I've had bundles of this heavy duty cording around forever and I'm always tickled when I can find a use for such things. It justifies the storage space, so to speak. I fudged some hand stitching around the openings where the cords come out and I'm sure given the other wear and tear this is likely to take, that won't be a big deal. Next time though I will have to plan my seams better. I improvised my way into that problem. :) 

I started this so long ago and finally sat down to put the cord in and "fudge" the aforementioned final touches on today. I'm excited to give it to her this weekend, as I'm sure she's forgotten all about it and will be surprised!

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