
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

cutting is my least favorite part

But how can you complain when you've got such good company? Obviously Kepler is mistaken as to what the card table is actually for. He sat there pretty much the whole time while I worked. Helping? Perhaps. You can see Newton rolling around on the floor just off to the side trying to get him to play in cat world instead. Not interested.

Everyone has their favorite part of any craft. In quilting, mine is piecing. I really like putting the puzzle pieces together. Making the puzzle pieces on the other hand, not my favorite. I don't know if it's because I agonize over every 1/8" and straight line or because my back always ends up sore after leaning over to hold my ruler firmly in place. Likely it's a combination of the two with a plethora of other little niggling things. Are those squares really square? Do I need a new rotary cutter blade *again*? How do I deal with cutting a big long piece of sashing accurately? Etc, etc. 

I do, however, like when I can cut a bunch of pieces and have them ready for chain piecing at the machine. The quick and steady progress of piecing collated stacks of fabric makes the effort in quality prep work worthwhile.

Still, look at what a mess it makes!

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