
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

seeing the forest for the trees

This blanket of mine is just flying off the needles! I've zipped my way through a few balls of yarn and quite a few inches. It has been following me around for whenever the itch to stitch strikes. I love the fact that I've had that bag since I was a kid and the horse crazy phase is still around. 

The first few rows of just knitting or purling all the way across took a bit of determination to get through, but once I hit the flowers and trees the pattern repeats kept it interesting and rows were ticked off in no time. Funny how that works isn't it? I have one section of flowers and one of trees finished, which is about 1/3 of the blanket body. There's a border though, so I'd say I'm about 25% of the way through overall. Not bad!

The tree branches are just a series of small 2x1 or 2x2 cables, made much easier from having worked a bunch of cabling on the project I just finished. The knit stitches that make up the trees pop off of a background of purls creating a 3D pattern.  

These flowers are quite interesting in construction with clustered stitches for the heads and overlaying a single knit stitch for the leaves. I had never seen anything like this before, it's neat! Took me a few tries to figure out what the instructions meant, but once I did it once it made perfect sense and remembering how hasn't been a problem. 

I've done a few crocheted blankets, I haven't ever knit one before. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. 


  1. Happy to see you're enjoying making this blanket. Love seeing how f a r you've progressed. 😊

  2. Happy to see you're enjoying making this blanket. Love seeing how f a r you've progressed. 😊


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