
Monday, May 9, 2016

just a few more rows

My current knitting project is perfect for evenings on the couch watching Midsomer Murders. Dave and I made it through all the seasons a while ago, so we are revisiting the early days! It's been fun. Also great knitting time that makes the inches on this cowl go by. It's unusual in that it's a single circle but verrrrry tall! The pattern is also very simple so even trying to figure out whodunit doesn't prevent me from also being accurate in my work.

This project brought to you by Dave... he picked out the yarn, the pattern, and even got me those lovely rosewood needles. What a guy. One fun observation I've made is that the green and gray pop against each other during the day, but are harder to tell apart in the evening under our lights. Funny, no? Ah the mysteries of color. I had some initial misgivings about that because I've mostly been knitting at night, but after taking it out in the natural light on the patio to work one afternoon I remembered just how bright the green really is! It will be just fine. 

I'm hoping to have this bound off by the end of the week, which would be exciting. I think the cotton will make this quite wearable this summer. Just a few more inches to go!


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