
Monday, April 22, 2019


The third triangle of the year! This is my second single skein project of the spring and I think I like the way it turned out. I kind of wish it were bigger, but I do like the pattern with this yarn. It was easy to memorize and a fun and relaxing knit. 

Regular bands of stockinette alternate with simple textured bands that increase in thickness down the length of the piece. This makes for a visually interesting fabric that I think works very well with this extremely variegated yarn. I’ll have to spend some more time in the sunshine to see how noticeable the sparkles in the yarn are. They aren’t over the top glitter, but maybe they will shine subtly in the sun. Serendipidye certainly does some lovely dye jobs! The gray is a pretty dove gray, the purple is more on the reddish side, and the turquoise is bright but not so much it doesn’t blend in. All of my favorites in one place. 

I’m not surprised at the size, in fact it’s better than I thought it would be and will make a nice neck wrap. I would like this even more for a “shoulder shawl” in a sport weight yarn and with more repeats to make it larger. It wouldn’t be difficult to figure out how to continue in pattern. Because I liked the i-cord bind off on the Sunwalker so much, I used it on this project. I still like it.

I’ve got a relatively clean slate again, which is exciting. That Shetland shawl is still calling my name, but I think the yarn stash is calling louder...

Pattern: Zilver, free on Ravelry (my Ravelry page)
Yarn: Serendipidye Kings Mountain O’Sparkle Sock Fingering in ‘Beatrix’
Needle: US 8
Size: 56” x 28”

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