
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hoodie Vest

I wanted to share a couple work in progress pictures of a vest I've been working on for my oldest niece, who turned 6 on Tuesday. I bought the pattern, Paprika, on Ravelry after seeing a few pictures of finished products. Gotta love Ravelry. I think this will go nicely with the skirt I will be making (tonight or tomorrow...) for her, too.

Here it is all scrunched up in my Britex Fabrics bag. This little bag has been following me around the house for the last month or so. Wherever I sit down, I pick up the needles and work. On a related note, all the iThings we own have been really great for this. I have the pdf loaded on my phone, computer, and iPad so no matter what the closest electronic is, I have my pattern accessible. How nice! 

Here is a view of all the really nice detail that goes into this piece (the yarn is Caron Simply Soft in Persimmon). There are lots of different cables to work, and I even learned a way to work some of the smaller cables without a cable needle. This pattern has been really fun to work up, it's impossible to get bored. The other nice thing is that there are instructions for a wide range of sizes so I might even get to use this again if she likes it enough.

Keep your fingers crossed I finish it tonight so it can go in the mail by the weekend...

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