
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Laundry room attention

The laundry room isn't my favorite place to be, but that doesn't mean it can't look nice. The other night I got to cleaning in there and decided it was time to put some color in that wasn't associated with piles of laundry on the dryer. 

Hankering for a quick sewing project, I improvised a laundry bag for hand washables to hang by the machine. Our hand washables often end up mixed in with the other laundry, so this way as I'm loading the washer I can rescue said items and pop them into this handy bag to wait for critical mass. This bag is loosely based off of a pattern in the One Yard Wonders book. It is much smaller, has no back flap, and has a lining.

Most all of it is made of trusty Ikea fabric! The green started off life as a duvet cover, and the inside is that same linen-y fabric I used on the first kitchen mini I made. I actually really like this green fabric, it is included in a color scheme for a wall quilt that's been kicking around in my head.

The most amusing part of this whole endeavor was sewing the circle. I didn't want to use binding around there, but you see that I did. I tried not once, not twice, but THREE times to figure out how to sew the two front pieces together for a seam i could topstitch and ended up with something I could not turn back around each time. It was supposed to be a quick project! It got late in the day, and I gave up because obviously my brain was rebelling. In the end, I think the binding will work out fine, since that seam will be a high-traffic area anyway with clothes popping in and out.

This little bag combined with these two fabric panels we had up in our room at the old apartment is starting to make the laundry room a nicer place to be!

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