
Friday, April 6, 2012

A quilting finish

I'm very excited today because Flora Fence is finished! I finished hand sewing the binding late Wednesday night and had a couple small details to finish up. But now it's done. I started this in late February, and it's taken me just over a month to complete. Not bad for my first "big" quilt!

The scrappy binding used up the rest of the jelly roll and linen scraps I had from cutting the rail fence strips, and turned out pretty nice. I actually very much enjoyed hand sewing it to the back; it took me a few hours over a couple of evenings. I never really understood how it worked until my mom-in-law showed me over Christmas. And even though it involves more finger-pricking, totally worth it because it looks much better than my machine sewn efforts of the past, thanks Mom!

All I have left of that beautiful jelly roll now is four uncut strips to stash away for a scrappy project, and I used pretty much exactly two yards of 54" wide linen. Finished measurements are 52" x 71". I was a little worried how the quilting, which matches up with the front zig zags, would look on the randomly pieced back, but I love it. The staircase pattern works nicely, making this (as Dave says) "two quilts in one".

Our room is ready for Spring!

I'm linking up to my first finish it up Friday :o) 


  1. Very cheery. Glad your MIL was able to help you out. I really like your fabrics.

    1. Thank you! It really does cheer up the atmosphere wherever I happen to put it.


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