
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Scrappy Scarf

I've seen lots of versions of fabric scarves floating around the interwebs and have wanted to make one ever since I started sewing again. I even have a few cuts of voile and flannel destined for this purpose. But! Turns out for my first one, I had some perfectly sized scraps left over from the Caribbean Blue quilt construction. I love a happy coincidence.

I had a loop of 8" wide rectangles (of voile) sewn together that was about 46" in circumference. I tried, and this was a bit too short for going around my neck twice in a cowl-y sort of way so I picked apart one seam and added another rectangle of solid from trimming the quilt back to bring the length up to about 54". I've got some yardage of a Midwest Modern print (regular quilting cotton) from Amy Butler that happens to be the right colors to play well with the Soul Blossoms prints I have so I cut a couple of 8" x width of fabric strips and made a strip for the back that was long enough to match the voile piece I had for the front. 

All it took was two straight lines of sewing to make a long tube, some ironing to smooth it all out, and a little bit of hand sewing to close it up. A quick project for sure, but it is soooo nice. I really like the patchwork combination of prints on the one side, it makes it different than most of the ones I've seen. I think this is best to do with voile or a similar lightweight fabric so the seams aren't bulky and less flexible than the rest of the scarf. Regular cotton might do that, as would flannel. Despite the seams, this scarf has a nice drape but still can hold itself up because of the quilting cotton. I don't think I'd try making both sides with the lighter voile, it would be pretty limp. This is going to go in my box of Xmas gifts. Yay for me getting an early start.  

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