
Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I sat down last night on the floor of the sewing room with my cutting mat and some fabric to make some more beaded necklaces for holiday gifts. We had to pack away the card table last weekend for a house guest, so the sewing machine is temporarily on my desk. It worked just fine for little bits of sewing, but it sure isn't a solution for a quilt!

I've been so wrapped up with work lately; it was nice to sit down and make something. Fabric strips became tubes which got turned inside out and filled with beads. My hands hurt a little bit this morning from wrestling with the knots but I'd say it was worth the relaxing hours.

I need to go purchase some more grosgrain ribbon to finish off the ties. It holds the tie better than the silkier ribbon, I find. Then the next thing is to make some bags to gift them in. It's fun playing with small projects!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I am happy I found your blog. I have enjoyed browsing and look forward to future posts. Found you through Marcia's Linking Party and just became a Happy Follower! Puttering is my middle name!


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