
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Checking In

Kelsey Sews

Well halfway is here and I'm about halfway through my list of things to do. 8 finishes, 10 more to go! These next 40-something days or so are going to be rather full of travel and other commitments, so it will be interesting to see how much I can tick off. I'm not too worried about most of the projects except the ones earmarked for holiday gifts.

During the first 50 days, I worked in a few projects here and there that weren't part of the list (I did not post them here), and I've got some small projects for the holidays that I have added. I also started two new knitting projects (no deadlines) and bought a bunch of yarn. There's actually a reason for this -- I'm going to be traveling for work again at the end of November and the sewing machine is kind of hard to fit on those tray tables. :o)

Here's how I've done so far!

Hand stitching:

Modern Medallion quilt - hand quilting   -  purchased batting
Embroidery hoop kit - start

Yarn work:

Portland cowl - finish

Aidez sweater - knit enough to know if I want to keep going - yes! it looks like this yarn will work, no plans to finish the whole thing before the end of the year though

scrap yarn blanket for donation to animal shelter - start
Temair throw - finish already! (sew motifs together)

At the machine:

Covered bead necklace for me - start & finish

Stuffed animal for baby girl - start & finish

Riding boot bag - start & finish 

Amsterdam quilt top - start

Voile/flannel scarf - start & finish (Xmas)

Tote for Samara - start & finish (Xmas)

Garment bag - finish - purchased zipper and grommet
Baby quilt for Anna - start, finish by February - purchased fabric, know what pattern it will be
Flannel pjs for me - start & finish
Apron - start & finish (Xmas)
Pencil roll up for Jasmine - start & finish (Xmas)
Laminated cotton tote for barn - start & finish (Xmas)
Fabric necklaces & gift bags (at least 5) - start & finish (Xmas)


  1. Great work! I really really like that tote. Excited to keep track of your finishes. Happy hustling!

  2. That necklace is adorable!!! Nice work!


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