
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Little Whimsy quilt top, completed

Recipe for a kickin' baby quilt top: 

                                                        1 piece       Dutch Geese block
                                                        4 pieces      1.5" wide sashing
                                                        ~2 yards     Kona Pomegranate

Add sashing to quilt block, trim and press. 

Add in chunks of Kona Pomegranate, stitch four straight lines, trim and press. 


I had a lot of fun piecing this top together. I LOVE this Kona color. It's juicy. And it takes a block that wasn't super gender specific, maybe even sort of boy-ish, and makes it perfect for a little girl. I've got quite a quilting job ahead of me -- I'm challenging myself to the orange peel motif to fill the space.

Linking up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced with this super bright top.


  1. Kona pomegranate is maybe my favorite of the kona colors. It's so fantastic! Do you know what else is fantastic? This quilt top! :)

  2. I love Kona solids too, but your quilt is an awesome way of encorporating the old school blocks in a fresh modern style. I'm still trying to learn how to do that. What a neat project, thanks for sharing.

  3. Ohhhhhh lovely! that kona is just gorgeous with that block! I've done the orange peel quilting a few times and love it, it will look fantastic on your quilt!

  4. I love this! The way it manages to be whimsical and minimalist at the same time is just amazing. Would you care to show it off in the quilting community at Kollabora, the crafting site?


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