
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fresh Sewing Day May

I started out the month with such enthusiasm and gusto and then got pretty sick for a couple weeks which halted my plans to start my new quilts or even work on my knitted shawl. Bummer.

But to put it all in perspective this month Jack, my beloved cat of the last seven years, was put down. He was my roommate and my confidant before I got married and quickly worked his way into Dave's heart as his go-to video game buddy. It was quite sudden which makes it difficult for us humans, but we are thankful he was not feeling ill for long. He is and will be missed terribly. 

So it's been real quiet around here this month and I've been spending a lot of time on the floor playing with Newton our young cat to cope, but I do have a few pretty finishes to show from early in April that I am quite proud of.

I was very excited to see the doll quilts come together for my nieces. They certainly were fun projects to test out new skills on and were well received at the party, I hear! My biggest triumph this month was completing our Amsterdam picnic quilt. The little white cats in the light green blocks are now bittersweet reminders of Jack, but I think it is fitting that he will always be frolicking through tulips with us. We took it out and had a picnic on the Oval at Stanford to clear our heads the day after we let him go. It was a beautiful day and a special way to inaugurate our new favorite quilt. 

For this month, I am not sure I will get a whole lot of sewing done, though I will work on quilting that baby quilt once I get my bee block commitments completed. I am defending my thesis in just three short weeks and have a lot of writing to do! I think there is some more knitting in my immediate future, specifically my Color Affection shawl which is coming along quite nicely. 

Lily's Quilts
Lily's Quilts

Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day and the Small Blog Meet over at Lily's Quilts


  1. What lovely colours you've chosen for all of your projects. Good luck with defending your thesis.

  2. Sorry to hear about your cat - losing a pet can be really hard! Like how you tried out new skills on doll quilts. The cathedral window is really beautiful, I think!

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss, animals really do weave their way into our hearts.

    Lovely projects.

  4. Oh, Alia! I'm so sorry to hear about your cat! I can't even imagine.

    All of your work looks lovely (as always) and I love that cathedral window! Good luck defending!

  5. I'm so sorry about Jack -- I've lost enough pets over the years to know how painful it can be. I'm glad you have another little one to help you cope for now.

    Your projects are absolutely beautiful, Alia. I love your doll quilts!

  6. Great projects, especially like your cathedral windows, I never tried them and yours look amazing!

  7. I am sorry to hear about your cat! :-(
    I love your projects though!

    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  8. Pets are wonderful and give so much to our lives. I am sorry for your loss. You did have a great sewing month. Defending your thesis in three weeks. Dont stress just know you are right and do it with lots of confidence. XX Kathleen


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