
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Riding through the desert on a {shawl} with no name

I have gone back and forth on names for my current knitting project. I keep circling back around to "Miami" because of the combination of colors, but I think I can do better than that. This is a Color Affection shawl designed by Veera Valimaki of 100% Rain. I have enjoyed every stitch since March.

I really wanted a simple project and I'm not a big fan of stockinette stitch, mostly because of the purls. Purling hurts my hands more for some reason. Garter stitch is just the answer for that woe. And an edgy garter stitch wrap? Yes, please and thank you.  I'm unsure if my carrying the yarn up the sides for the striping is going to lead to tension issues at the top edge as I've read about from others... now that I'm more than halfway done. I have been mindful to try keeping it as loose as I can switching, so I've got my fingers crossed it will be ok.

I put it down for a while but picked it up again last weekend and made a lot of progress on our three-day camping trip. I am actually within 8 rows of finishing the stripes! That's progress, people. Of course since it's top-down the rows are getting longer and longer. I have managed to increase my knitting speed after all these stitches, so the rows actually go by pretty quick. I was hoping to have this done for the beginning of summer, but it looks like that isn't going to happen. Perhaps for Fourth of July? The colors are in the red, white, and blue sprit after all. 

The thing about this shawl that makes it so awesome (besides the narrow striping, which I LOVE) is the asymmetry of the finished piece. This is accomplished by using short rows, a new skill for me. Turns out they are easier than most directions would make them sound. Just look at those pretty V's of gray! I really can't wait to see the whole thing draped across my shoulders. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks fantastic!! Just the push I need to dust off the colour affection shawl I started months and months ago. Thanks for the inspiration!


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