
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

out of hibernation

What's that I spy? A long lost knitting project peeking out to make its presence known? Why hello there, Aidez, it's been so long since I've seen you. 

I haven't touched this project since January 2013 when, a few months after starting it, my primary goal was to knit through enough of the pattern to decide if the yarn was a good match and it seemed like something I could reasonably do given my skill level. I did, and I liked it, but in the whirlwind of wrapping up my Ph.D. and diving headlong into my policy fellowship, a complicated cable sweater pattern just didn't' seem like something I wanted to tackle. 

Fast forward to now: thesis done, fellowship experienced, and new job well underway. I've finished quite a few longtime in-progress projects the last few months and decided it was time to pick this one back up to continue the trend. Turns out the activation barrier was purely mental and it's not that complicated of a piece to work on. I can't really heavily multitask while working on it, but certainly it's ok to watch an episode of Arrow while knitting.

I'm already through half of the back and still itching to get my hands back on it each day. That's a good sign and one I hope will mean progress will continue at a steady pace. Similar to projects with stripes, this pattern makes me want to keep working "just one more row" to see the center latticework emerge. Like Dory in Finding Nemo, just keep stitching. 

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