
Friday, April 24, 2015

finished a quilt top!

In a fit of cutting and sewing last night, I managed to finish up the top to the baby quilt I started a couple weeks ago. It took me some time to decide on what to do to finish off the medallion, but I kept coming back to the thin round of bright red-orange to frame it, so I just started there.

When that was finished, the strips of hourglass blocks just sort of mentally clicked into place. I had been considering all sorts of things, but this block - simple but striking - suits the piece in terms of scale and feel. I'm really glad I added in the light green. I was originally going to keep this a slant rhyme to primary colors, but the green sets everything off so nicely.

I wasn't sure I was quite finished there at 38" wide or so, but when I took out the stripe I have been planning on using to test how everything was looking together and it was basically within an inch or two, I considered that serendipity and a sign that I was done. How frustrated I would have been if I had kept going wider! I've had the gray stripe in my head since the whole thing started. It was quick work to cut two big pieces and zip down the seams to append them to the top and bottom of the panel. And voila! A finished quilt top. I've already got an idea of how I want to quilt it. I just need to pick out a backing and figure out what I'll do for binding. Excited to see this come together!

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