
Sunday, May 3, 2015

backed and basted

I went to baste this quilt last Thursday evening and wasn't I frustrated when I found that I had neither enough scraps/coordinating fabrics to piece together a back nor a big enough single piece of anything but white. Somehow white and baby quilt back didn't jive in my mind. 

So today we zipped into a fabric store to find an appropriate print for the back. I found this great navy with tiny white polka dots. The navy is a sightly different shade than the one on the front, but it wasn't really noticeable to me until I took this picture. 

I cut some batting from one of the queen-sized pieces I had stashed away. (I buy batting when it goes on sale, especially the big sizes. They are great to cut down to size for multiple smaller projects like this.) Dave helped me wrangle the sandwich together and I managed to baste it while the laundry was drying. Yeah for multi-tasking. I've got a vision of Vs for quilting. We'll see how that goes!


  1. Oooh, that backing is wonderful! Can't wait to see it finished!

    1. I love me some polka dots! I now want to put polka dots on EVERYTHING. :) I got it quilted this weekend -- now just hope I can get it bound relatively soon!


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