
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fresh Sewing Day September

Well I forgot this last month, but nobody's perfect. Here are the projects I managed to finish up between a lot of other commitments in the month of August. The only one I started AND finished during the month is the pillow. The scarf has been a long process, and the patchwork picnic quilt top was done in July and waited a bit for me to quilt and bind it. My biggest accomplishment this month is that medallion quilt top. So proud of all the work I've put into that one all summer while working along with the online handstitched class. 

Plans for September include finishing up a couple more yarny wips, starting a new cowl in brioche stitch, and the second quilt I am making as a wedding gift for friends. I've designed it and sketched out the blocks, I'm just waiting until I clean up my sewing room a bit before I sit down and start cutting. I *need* to have that finished by the end of the month, so I'm being conservative and not planning anything else for now.

Linking up at Lily's Quilts for Fresh Sewing Day and the Small Blog Meet

Lily's Quilts Lily's Quilts


  1. Your work is so lovely! I love the patterns and the colors and, well, everything. And I adore your needlebooks. So chic!

    Visiting from Lily's Quilts.

  2. Love the meadow pillow! And the scarf must have taken forever! I knitted for a bit, but it wasn't for me. Great work!

  3. I love your sweet pillow, too and I can see why you're proud of the medallion quilt, it's really beautiful! I recently bought Gwen Marston's Medallion book and it's on my mental list of quilts to make for sure.

  4. I love the hand stitched quilt top and the meadow pillow - so sweet! I found you through Lily's quilts :)

  5. Really like the pillow and where I live tulips are the thing of the spring! I should maybe do something similar for next spring. Did you use a pattern? will have a look around your blog. visiting from the small blog meet! Nati

  6. Really cute cushion :) Once I've got over my fear of making cushions I'd love to make one like it!

  7. Love your projects -- wonderful colors!

  8. That is a cute pillow! Lovely dogwood quilt too!

  9. I like your scarf. I've tried my hand at knitting and just can't get the hang of it.


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