
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Fresh Sewing Day November

Whew! It was a rather full October this year! The first half of the month I got a lot of crafting done. This held me over through the last few weeks while I was immersed in work and travel. Here's a look at what I got done:

I made quite a dent in my 100 Day Hustle list. It was nice to have that to refer to and focus my efforts on things I really wanted to get done. In my post at the beginning of October I mentioned I wanted to at least start on my Amsterdam quilt (check!) and baste my yet-to-be-named Modern Medallion quilt (I bought batting...) but I accomplished much more than that! I think my favorite finish is the Portland cowl, it has become a frequent accessory. Also that boot tote has been enormously handy.

This month I'm excited to get started on a baby quilt for my good friend Anna, which I bought fabric for a few weeks ago, and work on some Christmas gifts on my list. Also, baste the Medallion quilt :o) 

Lily's QuiltsLily's Quilts

Linking up, belatedly, to Fresh Sewing Day and Small Blog Meet at Lily's Quilts!

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