Tuesday, October 8, 2019

trim and move on

Trimming the things! Again! This has become the mantra for this quilt, and a valuable lesson learned. Not that I didn't *know* it is a good idea, it's just that I've gotten away without it for so long. No longer. 

I was miffed at the fact that my churn dash blocks were about 12.75-13" square and my 16 patches were slightly smaller at 12.5". I thought about cheating in the seams but it just didn't seem like it was going to work out. And trimming the churn dashes down would ensure some blunted points. Which I didn't want. But! We trim and we live with it. The points are slightly blunted in some but not all cases and you know what, once it was all together I didn't even notice. I mean, I'll notice because I know it but it's not like screaming out "hey! blunt points!" at every passer by. 

Dave's mom gave me some really great advice on how to finish it. She had just finished a project with two borders that ended up 1" wide and liked it a lot. I decided to do a 1" inner border followed up with a wider 3" solid border that I can hand quilt in once the binding is on. I'm happy with how it's turning out so far. Now I just need some backing fabric and an idea for quilting the thing.

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