Wednesday, April 8, 2020

time for a sweater

I'm super proud of myself for finishing all of my knitting WIPs this year, even some of the longstanding ones like my great big gray blanket. I've snuck in some fun small projects in the past few weeks, too, but I've also got a great start on my next big project - a sweater! It was honestly next in line in my arbitrary list of crafty things to do, but also what better thing to do during a statewide stay at home period than see how far you can get on a sweater? Well, so many better things, but what better knitting thing. Let's keep some perspective here. 

I cast on not long after our county issued the first shelter in place order in mid March, and I've got a good start on the hem short row shaping. I did have to cast on multiple times which made me extremely unhappy, especially the time I KNEW I checked for twisting before I joined and ended up stitching a mobius strip anyway. Argh. I'm enjoying how soft this yarn is in my hands, Henry and Rum are hanging out on my cable keeping me oriented, and I'm having fun doing something that is just simple stockinette in between all the color work that's been going on. 

It's slow going for now because the hem shaping isn't in the round and purling always slows me down. But here's where I remind myself that it isn't a race and that I'm supposed to enjoy the process. Here's to my quarantine sweater!

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