Tuesday, October 9, 2018

medallion magic

Sometimes it just takes a moment of assessing how far along a project is to motivate finishing up. That's certainly the case with this quilt top.

Since writing about it on Sunday, I got to thinking just how close to a finished top I was. Then, when I wanted to sit down and knit all afternoon today I got myself into the mood to press seams and sew the final quarter block of this top together instead. Once that was done, well, it was just three seams to glory. 

I have to say, I am really happy with it. I knew I liked the fabrics together as a group, and I knew I'd thought about the placement of the colors as best I could in my head, but seeing it all put together really tickles me pink. Or purple, rather. I like the pops of green, and I love the way the navy squares anchor everything. As this was coming together in individual blocks I was worried about the blocks where I substituted white for the background, but it doesn't distract me nearly as much as I was afraid it would. Stepping back from hanging this up and seeing the whole picture was pretty cool. First milestone down! Now on to basting, backing, and binding.

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